Cloud Services

Cloud Services

Elevate your business to new heights - Seamless scalability, reliability, and innovation in the cloud.

In a rapidly evolving business landscape driven by digital transformation, the cloud emerges as the cornerstone of organizational success. With its myriad benefits including cost-effectiveness, round-the-clock availability, and enhanced security, we offer state-of-the-art Cloud services for businesses seeking stability, growth, and competitive edge in today's dynamic market.

Embrace the Cloud Culture with i3

Integration International leverages its Cloud Solutions expertise with pioneering market messiahs such as AWS, Microsoft, and Azure. For all your colocation hosting needs, we liaise with industry leaders like EQUINIX and RACKSPACE. We deep-dive into your business needs to concoct the right cloud solutions mix for you:

  • Craft tailored cloud roadmap for optimal strategy.
  • Seamlessly migrate to the cloud, minimizing disruption.
  • Optimize cloud infrastructure for enhanced performance.
  • Ensure impeccable security safeguards for cloud operations.

Join hands with Integration International, your one-stop shop for all your Cloud needs. Contact us today to get started.

Data Center Services

Data Center Services

Unleash the power of data - Transforming information into insights, driving informed decisions.

Amidst the explosive growth of digital information, data center services are imperative for organizations seeking to securely store, manage, and leverage data for informed decision-making and competitive advantage. Integration International offers tailored data center solutions to optimize operations and extract maximum value from your data, ensuring your success in the evolving market landscape.

Make well-examined choices with secure data

Entrust your data to Integration International, ensuring adherence to the four Vs – Volume, Velocity, Variety, and Veracity. With decades of experience and a commitment to customer satisfaction, we provide customizable solutions tailored to your specific needs:

  • Comprehensive consulting for optimized data center operations.
  • Customized implementation with the latest tech for secure infrastructure.
  • 24/7 monitoring, proactive maintenance, technical support.
  • Procurement assistance for hardware/software, maximizing value.
  • Secure colocation hosting with leading providers for accessibility

Trust Integration International for seamless Data Center excellence. Reach out to us today, to learn more about how our Data Center services can help you achieve your business objectives.

Network Services

Network Services

Connecting possibilities, fostering synergy - Building robust networks for seamless communication.

In today's interconnected world, staying connected is no longer a choice but a necessity for businesses seeking to thrive. With over 5.47 billion active internet users and a web of interconnected devices, our Network Solutions offer the connectivity and infrastructure needed to navigate and leverage the complexities of the digital landscape effectively.

Level up your interconnectedness with i3

A robust and reliable network is at the helm of the formula that spells success for any business. Integration International with its decades of experience in the area of Networking solutions offers you a wide range of customized services, that align with your long-term goals:

  • Tailored strategies for business objectives, leveraging the latest tech.
  • Seamless implementation, secure, reliable, and scalable solutions.
  • 24/7 monitoring, proactive maintenance, expert technical support.
  • Source and procure networking hardware/software, managing fulfillment.

With a deep understanding of the Networking landscape, Integration International is the answer to all your connectivity hiccups, we usher you into the future with expertise and finesse. Contact us NOW to embark on a transformative journey with Integration International.

Security Services

Security Services

Fortifying your digital ecosystem with proactive protection, safeguarding your assets in a connected world.

Step into the future with Integration International, where cutting-edge innovations like AI, Metaverse, and Quantum Computing shape tomorrow's landscape. However, with global cybercrime costs set to skyrocket, safeguarding against cyber threats is imperative for every individual and organization. Let us fortify your IT infrastructure, ensuring resilience against evolving cyber threats and securing your journey towards growth and success.

Secure your tomorrow, today with i3

From reducing your attack surface to employing dynamic protection and zero-trust tactics, we focus on making your organization uncompromisingly cyber-resilient. We provide comprehensive IT infrastructure security solutions across compute, network, and storage for both on-premises and cloud environments:

  • Customized strategy for addressing vulnerabilities, and evolving threats.
  • Identify risks, evaluate posture, and develop mitigation plans.
  • Design, and deploy customized security solutions with the latest tech.
  • 24/7 monitoring, proactive maintenance, technical support.
  • Source, procure security hardware/software, and manage fulfillment.

Contact us to stave off malicious attacks, to keep the trojan horses at bay, and to keep your IT Infrastructure top-notch secure.